School of Electrical and Computer Sciences

Faculty Members

Department of Electrical Engineering

Research Interests

Power Electronics and Reliability in Electric Vehicles, Reliability Assessment and Improvement of Wide Bandgap Power Devices

Research Interests

Stability and control of large power system with high renewable energy penetration; Power system dynamic state estimation; Forced oscillation detection and inertia estimation in power system.

Research Interests

Electrical machines, Motors for Electric vehicles, Unmanned vehicle systems, Motion solutions for medical devices, Diagnostics and Predictive maintenance

Research Interests

1. Model Based Controls; 2. Data driven Control; 3. Adaptive Algorithms for Sparse System Identification; 4. Applications of Linear and Nonlinear Optimization in Control and signal processing

Research Interests

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of power apparatus; High frequency magnetics design, Computational method

Research Interests

Integration and Control of Renewable Energy Systems, Design and Development of Smart Controllers for Microgrid/Smart Grid Systems, Control of Active Distribution Systems, Smart Energy Management in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Systems, Virtual Synchronous

Research Interests

Renewable Energy Sources, Microgrids, Power Quality, Application of Artificial Intelligent Techniques

Research Interests

Switched Mode Power Converters; Design of Integrated Magnetics; Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems; Grid Interactive Converters; Wide Band-gap Device based Power Conversion; Renewable Energy and Energy Storage;

Research Interests

Power System Optimization and Control, Power Electronics and Control of Electric Drives, Renewable Energy Systems, Applied Soft Computing

Research Interests

Power Electronics; EV chargers; Wireless Power Transfer Systems for EV Applications; Hybrid Energy Storage Applications; Microgrids; Regenerative Braking aspects of EVs, and Integration of Renewable Energy Resources.

Research Interests

Multi- port Power Electronic Converters; Digital control of Power Electronics; Electric Vehicle subsystems

Research Interests

Power electronics interfaced power systems (dynamic model development, stability analysis, control design issues, control interactions, fault studies); Microgrids (AC, DC, Hybrid, and Networked Microgrids); HVDC transmission; Renewable Energy Systems

Research Interests

Design and development of power electronic converters, AC-DC converter topologies and control, High-frequency switched DC-DC converters, Resonant converter topologies and control, Multilevel converters, WBG devices for power conversion

Research Interests

High Voltage Engineering; Industrial Application of High Voltage for Air Pollution Control; Waste water Treatment using NTP; High Voltage Modular Power Supply; Non-thermal plasma application to agriculture; DC Microgrid; Renewable Energy

Research Interests

Power quality, Energy storage, DC-DC Converters for renewable energy sources, and power electronics applications in power systems.

Research Interests

Power System Protection; PMU and WAMs; Smart Grid;

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Research Interests

Broad Areas: Power Semiconductor Devices, Sensors, Flash Memory Cells; Materials of Interest: Si, SiC, GaN, Diamond, Metal oxides.

Research Interests

Coding techniques; Algebraic Error Correcting Codes; Index Coding; Network Coding; Coded caching; Coded Distributed Computing

Research Interests

Architecture and MAC protocol design for wireless-optical integrated networks, optical access networks, wireless access networks, edge computing, and free space optical networks. Algorithm design using optimisation techniques or Game theory. Dynamic

Research Interests

Digital VLSI Architecture Design; FPGA Architectures; Computer Arithmetic; Hardware Description Language

Research Interests

Signal Processing; Wireless Communication; IoT; Bio Signal Processing

Research Interests

Applied Electromagnetics for Communication and Sensing: Antenna Design, Smart EM Skin, Metamaterial Absorbers, Bio-radar, Software-defined Radar, EM systems Modelling and Design, Computational EM, Optimisation and AI in EM Systems

Research Interests

High performance active and passive microwave couplers, high-Q/SRF single and multi-layer inductor design, multi-port reflectometry, MMIC and RFIC-based circuit design, microwave measurement techniques and integrated/embedded microwave systems.

Research Interests

Research Interests

Emerging Nanoscale Devices; Semiconductor Device Modelling; Low power Devices; Reliability Analysis; Ferroelectric-based devices; Device Circuit Co-design; FET-based Sensors; Cryogenic CMOS; TCAD Augmented Machine Learning for Devices.

Research Interests

Analog CMOS VLSI circuit design; Circuit design for high speed serial link (full-duplex, 4-PAM signaling, CTLE and DFE design, Equalizer adaptation); Signaling across Silicon interposer and MCM; On-Chip DC-DC converters; Phase-Locked Loop; ADC Desig

Research Interests

Signal and Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning & Deep Learning , Medical Image Analysis, Biometrics

Research Interests

Single-channel speech enhancement to improve speech quality and intelligibility; Deep learning based noise aware speech enhancement; Multichannel speech enhancement; Real-time implementation and evaluation

Research Interests

Advanced Modulation Formats and Signal Processing Schemes, Communication System Design and Modelling, Fiber Optics Device Design and Simulation, High Bit-rate System Design, Optical Communication, Optical Sensor, Photonic-electronic Signal Processing

Research Interests

Digital Communications; Mobile Communications; Visible Light Communications; Smartgrid Communiactions; Internet of Things; Electric Vehicle;

Research Interests

I) Integrated Photonics, Optoelectronics, Plasmonics, II) Fiber-optical Communications, III) Nonlinear Optics, IV) Quantum Photonic Technologies, V) Quantum Computing and Cryptography, VI) Quantum Machine Learning

Research Interests

Semiconductors and devices: Nano-structured Wide band gap semiconductors, Chemical Sensors, Self powered, Energy Generation and Quantum Devices, Conductance Spectroscopy

Research Interests

Research Interests

Internet of Things Cooperative Communications Application Layer Coding

Research Interests

Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS), Communication theory, Diversity combining, Wireless communications, Powerline communications, Visible light communications, Molecular communications

Research Interests

AI Hardware Accelerators, High-Level Synthesis, Programmable Hardware Accelerators, Compilers, Scheduling and Mapping approaches, SoC design, and Design Automation of Integrated Circuits.

Research Interests

Analog, RF and Mixed-Signal VLSI Integrated Circuits and Systems; IC Design for Wireless and Wireline Communications; New Radio System Architectures for Next-Generation Wireless Standards; RF/Wireless System-on-Chip(SoC);

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Research Interests

Natural Language Processing ; Cognitive Science.

Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Computer Vision and Visual Surveillance, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Augmented Reality and Applications

Research Interests

Computer Architecture High Performance Computing and Data Centre Architecture Internet of Things and TinyML Micro-architecture Verification

Research Interests

Computer Architecture , Machine Learning, Hardware/Software codesign of AI systems, Energy-Efficient computing, Sustainable AI, TinyML, and Systems for Healthcare, Drones, Autonomous Cars and Robotics, Mobile and Edge Computing.

Research Interests

Optimization Techniques, Graph Theory and Applications, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Smart Grid

Research Interests

Design and analysis of algorithms, specifically Dynamic graph algorithms, Online algorithms, Approximation algorithms, and Data structures.

Research Interests

Software Testing & Verification; Software Engineering; Formal Methods; High Performance Computing Systems

Research Interests

Network Security; Security and Privacy; Cryptography and Blockchain; Software Defined Networks; Protocol Verification, AI for Security

Research Interests

Research Interests

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Robotic Vision, Multi Sensor Fusion, Multi-modal Perception, Visual Surveillance

Research Interests

NLP; Social Media Data Analysis; Spatio-temporal Data Mining; Trajectory Data Analysis; Applied ML.

Research Interests

Formal modeling, verification; runtime monitoring(verification, enforcement);Applications of runtime monitoring (security, medical devices, other); Synthesis, transformation of formal models; Applying formal methods in system design and development;

Research Interests

Internet-of-Things (IoT); Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN); Multi-Robot Systems; Privacy-Preserving Secure Communication; Multi-Party Computation; Trusted Computing; Cyber-Physical Systems; Systems Design and Developement; Complex Systems; Dynamical Sy

Research Interests

-Network Security -AI in Cyber Security – Quantum Key Distribution

Visiting Faculty

Research Interests

Research Interests

Combinatorial Optimisation, Approximation Algorithms, Probabilistic Combinatorics, Random Graphs, Graph Theory

Research Interests

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