Dr. Niladri Bihari Puhan
Associate Professor
- Room No: 217, SECS
- +91-674-713-5734
- nbpuhan@iitbbs.ac.in
- School of Electrical and Computer Sciences
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Dr. Niladri B. Puhan received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from UCE Burla, the M.E. degree in signal processing from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India, and the PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. His postdoctoral research in NTU Singapore was on the design and development of efficient iris recognition and image super-resolution systems. He is currently an Associate Professor with School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar. His fields of research interests are image and video processing, signal processing, computer vision, biometrics, machine learning & deep learning and medical image analysis. He and his research group primarily explores perception, transforms and learning based novel methodologies for signal and image processing applications. His research works have been published in more than 120 reputed international journals, conferences and book chapter. He has so far guided more than 30 PhD and M.Tech thesis students in IIT Bhubaneswar. He is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and ACM.
If you have strong interest for research and publications, I am looking for bright PhD and MS scholars to join in my research group; please mail your CV: nbpuhan@iitbbs.ac.in
Real Time Implementation of Image Fusion Algorithms for IR and CCD Video – (DRDO)
Online Target Scoring System for Consistency Trials with Scintillation removal in images – (DRDO)
Design and Development of Deep Learning based App for Early Warning of Blindness – (SERB)
Cancer Modelling of Signaling Network and Prediction of Therapeutic Intervention Strategies – (DST)
Study and design of object recognition systems – (IIT Bhubaneswar)
Scan and Print (co-PI)- (IIT Bhubaneswar)
- Image and Video Processing
- Digital Signal Processing
- Advanced Digital Signal Processing
- Signals and Systems
- Basic Electronics
- Pattern Recognition
- Biomedical Signal Processing
Sushree S. Behera, Niladri B. Puhan, Approximate Multi-dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform based Deep Attention Network for Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024.
A. Rao, Niladri B. Puhan, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer. In: Ophthalmic Diagnostics: Technology, Techniques, and Clinical Applications, pp 255–267, Springer, Singapore, 2024 [Book Chapter] .
Smarth Bansal, Niladri B. Puhan, Sandeep Pattnaik, Novel Perceptual Mach Band based Deep Attention Network for Cyclone Intensity Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024.
- P. Rajith Bhargav, Niladri B. Puhan, Just Noticeable Difference-Guided Multi-Path Deep Attention Network for Microaneurysm Segmentation in Fundus Images. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024.
- Omveer Sharma, N C Sahoo, Niladri B Puhan, Transformer based composite network for autonomous driving trajectory prediction on multi-lane highways, Applied Intelligence, Springer 2024.
- P. Rajith Bhargav, Niladri B. Puhan, Novel Contraharmonic Correlative Attention Loss for Microaneurysm Segmentation in Fundus Images. IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 7, issue 7, pp. 1-4, 2023.
- Omveer Sharma, Dhananjay Trivedi, Sandeep Pattnaik, Vivekananda Hazra, Niladri B Puhan,”Improvement in District Scale Heavy Rainfall Prediction Over Complex Terrain of North East India Using Deep Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023.
- Omveer Sharma, N. C. Sahoo, Niladri B. Puhan, “Dynamic Planning of Optimally-safe Lane-change Trajectory for Autonomous Driving on Multi-lane Highways Using a Fuzzy Logic based Collision Estimator,” ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems, 2023.
- Niladri B. Puhan, Sushree S. Behera, Holistic Feature Reconstruction-based 3-D Attention Mechanism for Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 18, pp. 435-448, 2023.
- Dhananjay Trivedi, Omveer Sharma, Sandeep Pattnaik, Vivekananda Hazra, Niladri B. Puhan,”Improving rainfall forecast at the district scale over the eastern Indian region using deep neural network,” Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Springer, 2023.
- Sushree S. Behera, Niladri B. Puhan, Dual-spectrum network: exploring deep visual feature to attribute mapping for cross-spectral periocular recognition. Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 32, issue 3, 033031, SPIE, 2023.
- Gaurab Bhattacharya, Niladri B. Puhan, “Stand-alone Multi-Attention Fusion Network for Double-Identity Fingerprint Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 596-602, 2022.
- Sushree S. Behera, Niladri B. Puhan, Sapna S. Mishra, Perturbed Attention-Assisted Siamese Network for Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 210-221, 2022.
- Sushree S. Behera, Niladri B. Puhan, High boost 3-D Attention Network for Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 1-4, Sept. 2022.
- Gaurab Bhattacharya, Niladri B. Puhan, B. Mandal, “Kernelized dynamic convolution routing in spatial and channel interaction for attentive concrete defect recognition,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 108, 116818, Elsevier, 2022.
- Omveer Sharma, N. C. Sahoo, Niladri B. Puhan, “Kernelized convolutional transformer network based driver behavior estimation for conflict resolution at unsignalized roundabout,” ISA Transactions, Volume 133, Pages 13-28, Elsevier, 2022.
- Omveer Sharma, N. C. Sahoo, Niladri B. Puhan, “Highway Lane-Changing Prediction Using a Hierarchical Software Architecture based on Support Vector Machine and Continuous Hidden Markov Model,” International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, pp. 1-21, Springer, 2022.
- Sapna S. Mishra, B. Mandal, Niladri B. Puhan, “MacularNet: Towards Fully Automated Attention-Based Deep CNN for Macular Disease Classification”, SN Computer Science, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 1-16, Springer, 2022.
- Gaurab Bhattacharya, Niladri B. Puhan, B. Mandal, “Stand-alone Composite Attention Network for Concrete Structural Defect Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 265-274, 2022.
- Aryaman Sinha, S. P. Dash, Niladri B. Puhan, “NOMARO: Defending against Adversarial Attacks by NOMA-Inspired Reconstruction Operation,” IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 1-4, 2022.
- Sapna S Mishra, B. Mandal, Niladri B. Puhan, “Perturbed Composite Attention Model for Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Image Classification” IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 625-635, 2022.
- Gaurab Bhattacharya, B. Mandal, Niladri B. Puhan, “Interleaved Deep Artifacts-Aware Attention Mechanism for Concrete Structural Defect Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 6957 – 6969, 2021.
- Gaurab Bhattacharya, B. Mandal, Niladri B. Puhan, “Multi-deformation Aware Attention Learning for Concrete Structural Defect Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 31, issue 9, pp. 3707 – 3713, 2021.
- Omveer Sharma, N. C. Sahoo, N. B. Puhan, “Recent advances in motion and behavior planning techniques for software architecture of autonomous vehicles: A state-of-the-art survey”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 101, 104211, Elsevier, 2021.
- Rashmi Panda, N. B. Puhan, B. Mandal, G. Panda, “GlaucoNet: Patch-Based Residual Deep Learning Network for Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation Towards Glaucoma Assessment” SN Computer Science, 2(99), Springer, 2021.
- Nazneen N. Sultana, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan, “Deep Regularized Discriminative Network”, SN Computer Science, 2(235), Springer, 2021.
- Sushree S. Behera, Sapna S. Mishra, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan, “Variance-guided attention-based twin deep network for cross-spectral periocular recognition,” Image and Vision Computing, vol. 104, 104016, Elsevier, 2020.
- Ishank Goel, Niladri B. Puhan, B. Mandal, “Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Double-Identity Fingerprint Detection”, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 4, issue 5, pp. 1-4, 2020.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda, “Sparse Concept Coded Tetrolet Transform for Unconstrained Odia Character Recognition” arXiv:2004.01551, 2020.
- Sapna S Mishra, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan, “Multi-level Dual-attention Based CNN for Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Classification” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 26, issue,12, pp. 1793-1797, 2019.
- Vasundhara, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda,”Zero attracting proportionate normalized subband adaptive filtering technique for feedback cancellation in hearing aids”, Applied Acoustics, vol. 149, 39-45, Elsevier, 2019.
- B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan, A. Verma,”Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Based Food Recognition Using Partially Labeled Data”, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 1-4, 2019.
- Rashmi Panda, N. B. Puhan, A. Rao, B. Mandal, D. Padhy, G. Panda,”Deep convolutional neural network based patch classification for retinal nerve fiber layer defect detection in early glaucoma”, Journal of Medical Imaging, vol. 5(4), 044003 (1-8), SPIE, 2018.
- Nazneen N. Sultana, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan, “Deep Residual Network with Regularized Fisher Framework for Detection of Melanoma” IET Computer Vision, 12(8): 1096-1104, 2018.
- Mohit Kumar, N. B. Puhan, “RANSAC lens boundary feature based kernel-SVM for transparent contact lens detection”, IET Biometrics, vol. 1, pp. 1-8, 2018.
- Vasundhara, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda,”De-Correlated Improved Adaptive Exponential FLAF Based Nonlinear Adaptive Feedback Cancellation for Hearing Aids” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, issue 2, pp. 650 – 662, 2018.
- Rashmi Panda, N. B. Puhan, A. Rao, D. Padhy, G, Panda, “Automated retinal nerve fiber layer defect detection using fundus imaging in glaucoma” Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 66, pp. 56-65, Elsevier, 2018.
- Paritosh Pandey, A. Deepthi, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan,”FoodNet: Recognizing Foods Using Ensemble of Deep Networks”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 24, issue 12, pp. 1758 – 1762, 2017.
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan,”A new evolving update based improved feedback cancellation scheme for hearing aids” Signal Image and Video Processing, vol. 12, pp. 731-738, Springer, 2017.
- Rashmi Panda, N B Puhan, G Panda, “Mean Curvature and Texture Constrained Composite Weighted Random Walk Algorithm for Optic Disc Segmentation towards Glaucoma Screening”, IET Healthcare Technology Letters, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 31-37, 2017.
- Rashmi Panda, N B Puhan, G Panda,”Robust and accurate optic disk localization using vessel symmetry line measure in fundus images” Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Volume 37, Issue 3, Pages 466-476, Elsevier, 2017.
- Vineeta Das, N. B. Puhan,”Tsallis entropy and sparse reconstructive dictionary learning for exudate detection in diabetic retinopathy”, Journal of Medical Imaging, 4(2), 024002, SPIE, 2017.
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan,”Individual-activation-factor based novel approach for acoustic feedback suppression in hearing aid”, Applied Acoustics, vol. 127, pp. 74-79, Elsevier, 2017
- A Rao, Rashmi Panda, N B Puhan, D Padhy,”Automated detection and quantification of retinal nerve fibre layer defects on fundus photography” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58(8), 2017.
- Vasundhara, B. K. Mohanty, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan,”Hardware Design for VLSI Implementation of Acoustic Feedback Canceller in Hearing Aids”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, pp. 1383-1406, vol. 37, Springer, 2017.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda, “BESAC: Binary External Symmetry Axis Constellation for Unconstrained Handwritten Character Recognition”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 83: 413-422, Elsevier, 2016.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda, “Unconstrained Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Perceptual Shape Primitives”, Pattern Analysis and Applications, vol. 21, issue 2, pp. 413-436, Springer, 2016.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda,”Odia Character Recognition: A Directional Review”, Artificial Intelligence Review, vol. 48, issue 4, pp. 473-497, Springer, 2016.
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan,”On new efficient ‘MU’-law based method for feedback compensation in hearing aids,” IET Electronics Letters, Volume 52, Issue 14, pp. 1200 – 1202, 2016.
- Rashmi Panda, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda,”New Binary Hausdorff Symmetry Measure Based Seeded Region Growing for Retinal Vessel Segmentation,” Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 36, pp. 119-129, Elsevier, 2016.
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan,”An improved block adaptive system for effective feedback cancellation in hearing aids,” Digital Signal Processing, vol. 48, pp. 216-225, Elsevier, 2016.
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan,”A robust adaptive hybrid feedback cancellation scheme for hearing aids in the presence of outliers,” Applied Acoustics, vol. 102, pp. 146-155, Elsevier, 2016.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda,”Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using Non-Redundant Stockwell Transform and Bio-inspired Optimal Zoning”, IET Image Processing, vol. 9, issue 10, pp. 874-882, 2015.
- M. Manoj Kumar, N. B. Puhan,”Offline Signature Verification: Upper and Lower Envelope Shape Analysis using Chord Moments”, IET Biometrics, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.347-354, 2014.
- N. B. Puhan, N. Sudha, Anirudh S K,”Efficient Segmentation Technique for Poor Quality Frontal View Iris Images Using Fourier Spectral Density,” Signal Image and Video Processing, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 105-119, Springer, March 2011.
- N. B. Puhan, A. T. S. Ho, F. Sattar,”Localization and Text Sequence Restoration Using Noise Pixels in Binary Document Image Watermarking,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 023012 (1-21), SPIE, April-June 2009.
- N. Sudha, N. B. Puhan, H. Xia, X. Jiang, “Iris recognition on edge maps,” IET Computer Vision, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-7, March 2009.
- N. B. Puhan, A. T. S. Ho, “”Secure authentication watermarking for localization against the Holliman-Memon attack,” ACM Multimedia Systems, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 521-532, May 2007.
- A Uniyal, B Mandal, Niladri B. Puhan, P Bera, “Interpretative Attention Networks for Structural Component Recognition“, 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 63-77, Kolkata, 2024.
- B. Mandal, Niladri B. Puhan and V. Homi, “Visual Attention Assisted Games”, IEEE Conference on Games (CoG ), Boston, USA, Aug 2023.
- Omveer Sharma, N. C. Sahoo, Niladri B. Puhan,”Autonomous Vehicle Trajectory Prediction on Multi-Lane Highways Using Attention Based Model,” IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Bhubaneswar, August, 2023.
- Aryaman Sinha, Niladri B. Puhan, “Adversarial Defense with Local Robust Principal Component Analysis and Wavelet Denoising” IEEE International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT), DRDO Chandipur, Odisha, February 2023.
- Renuka Acharya, Niladri B. Puhan, V Sairam Reddy, “One-Dimensional Microaneurysm Feature Sequence Segmentation in Fundus Images” IEEE International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT), DRDO Chandipur, Odisha, February 2023.
- Renuka Acharya, Niladri B. Puhan, “Long Short-Term Memory Model Based Microaneurysm Sequence Classification in Fundus Images” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, July 2022.
- Renuka Acharya, Niladri B. Puhan, “Robust Low Rank Microaneurysm Classification in Fundus Images” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Kolkata, India, March 2022.
- Akash Kaothalkar, B. Mandal, Niladri B. Puhan “StructureNet: Deep Context Attention Learning for Structural Component Recognition,” 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Lisbon, Portugal, 2022.
- Omveer Sharma, N. C. Sahoo, N. B. Puhan, “Highway Discretionary Lane Changing Behavior Recognition Using Continuous and Discrete Hidden Markov Model,” 24th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Indianapolis, USA, 2021.
- Sushree S. Behera, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan “Twin Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition” 26th IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC), pp. 1-6, IIT Kharagpur, 2020.
- Govind Satapathy, Gaurab Bhattacharya, N. B. Puhan, A. T. S. Ho, “Generalized Benford’s Law for Fake Fingerprint Detection” IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON), pp. 242-246, Kolkata, 2020.
- G. Neeharika, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan “Enhanced Deep Video Summarization Network” BMVC, Cardiff, UK, 2019.
- Omveer Sharma, N. C. Sahoo, N. B. Puhan “A Survey on Smooth Path Generation Techniques for Nonholonomic Autonomous Vehicle Systems” 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp. 5167-5172, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019
- Sushree S. Behera, B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan “Cross-Spectral Periocular Recognition: A Survey”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 545, pp 731-741, 2019.
- Nazneen N. Sultana, N. B. Puhan, B. Mandal “DeepPCA Based Objective Function for Melanoma Detection”, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, 2018.
- Vasundhara, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “Proportionate Subband Filtering Technique with L1-Norm for Feedback Cancellation in Hearing Aids” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, 2018.
- Nazneen N Sultana, N. B. Puhan “Recent Deep Learning Methods for Melanoma Detection: A Review” International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, 2018.
- Sushree S. Behera, M. Gour, K. Vivek, N. B. Puhan “Periocular recognition in cross-spectral scenario” Proc. IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), pp. 681-687, Denver, 2017
- Rashmi Panda, N.B. Puhan, Aparna Rao, D. Padhy, G. Panda “Recurrent neural network based retinal nerve fiber layer defect detection in early glaucoma” Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 692-695, Melbourne, 2017.
- Kalyan S. Das, N B Puhan, G Panda “A Sparse Concept Coded Spatio-Spectral Feature Representation for Handwritten Character Recognition” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, 2016.
- Vasundhara, N B Puhan, G Panda “An Improved Block Sparse Method for Feedback Suppression in Hearing Aids” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, 2016.
- Rashmi Panda, N B Puhan, G Panda “Global vessel symmetry for optic disc detection in retinal images” 5th IEEE National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), IIT Patna, December 2015.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “Synthetic Handwritten Odia Numeral Database: From Shallow Hundreds to Comprehensive Thousands,” 5th IEEE National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), IIT Patna, December 2015.
- Vineeta Das, N. B. Puhan, Rashmi Panda “Entropy Thresholding based Microaneurysm Detection in Fundus Images,” 5th IEEE National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), IIT Patna, December 2015.
- Mohit Kumar, N. B. Puhan “Iris Liveness Detection Using Texture Segmentation,” 5th IEEE National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), IIT Patna, December 2015.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “Gestalt configural superiority effect: A complexity paradigm for handwritten numeral recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), pp. 1-6, ISI Kolkata, January 2015
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “On extraction of features for handwritten Odia numeral recognition in transformed domain,” IEEE International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), pp. 1-6, ISI Kolkata, January 2015
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan “A Low Complexity Hirschman Optimal Transform Based Feedback Cancellation Scheme for Hearing Aid,” IEEE Power, Communication and Information Technology Conference, Bhubaneswar, October 201
- Anindya Poddar, S. Tanveer Ahmed, N. B. Puhan “Adaptive Saliency-weighted Obstacle Detection for the Visually Challenged,” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), New Delhi, February 2015.
- Bijay K. Ekka, N. B. Puhan, Rashmi Panda “Retinal Verification Using Point Set Matching,” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), New Delhi, February 2015.
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan, “A Sparse Improved Gradient Controlled Method for Feedback Cancellation in Hearing Aid,” pp. 1-5, IEEE INDICON, New Delhi, 2015.
- M Manoj Kumar, N. B. Puhan, “Chord oriented gap feature for offline signature verification,” 13th IEEE International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV), pp. 799-803, Singapore, December, 2014
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “Handwritten Odia Numeral Recognition: Combining Gestalt Configural Superiority Effect and Inner Distance Based Complexity Metric,” 14th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), New Delhi, December 2014
- Rashmi Panda, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “Hausdorff Symmetry Operator towards Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation,” 19th IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Hong Kong, 2014.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “A Hybrid Feature and Discriminant Classifier for High Accuracy Handwritten Odia Numeral Recognition,” IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), pp. 531-535, Kuala Lumpur, 2014.
- M. Manoj Kumar, N. B. Puhan “Inter-point Envelope Based Distance Moments for Offline Signature Verification,” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore, 2014.
- Kalyan S. Dash, N. B. Puhan, G. Panda “Non-redundant Stockwell Transform Based Feature Extraction for Handwritten Digit Recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore, 2014.
- Anurima Tikader, N. B. Puhan “Histogram of Oriented Gradients for Script Recognition,” IEEE International Conference for Convergence of Technology, Pune, 2014.
- Anurima Tikader, N. B. Puhan “Edge based directional features for script recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), pp. 130-135, New Delhi, 2014.
- Vasundhara, G. Panda, N. B. Puhan “Robust feedback cancellation in hearing aids in the presence of outliers,” IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), pp. 25-29, New Delhi, 2014.
- M. Manoj Kumar, N. B. Puhan “Offline signature verification using the trace transform,” IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing Conference (IACC), pp. 1066 – 1070, Gurgaon, 2014.
- M. Preetham Krishna, A. Sriram, N. B. Puhan “Clustering based image binarization in palm leaf manuscripts,” IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing Conference (IACC), pp. 1060 – 1065, Gurgaon, 2014.
- Niladri B. Puhan, N. Sudha, Suhas Hegde “A new iris liveness detection method against contact lens spoofing,” Proc. 15th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), pp. 71-74, June 2011, Singapore.
- Niladri B. Puhan, N. Sudha, Suhas Hegde “Iris liveness detection for semi-transparent contact lens spoofing,” Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), vol. 205, pp. 249-256, Springer 2011.
- N. B. Puhan, A. T. S. Ho, F. Sattar “High Capacity Data Hiding in Binary Document Images,” Proc. 8th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), LNCS-5703, pp. 149-161, Surrey, UK, August 2009.
- S. Vasudevan, G. C. K. Chen, A. C. K. Teu, N. B. Puhan, Z. Lin “Three-Dimensional Phase Images Using Photothermal Microscope Integrated with Digital Holographic Interferometry,” Proc. OSA Spring Optics & Photonics Congress, Vancouver, Canada, April 2009.
- N. B. Puhan, N. Sudha “Efficient Feature Matching in a Very Large Iris Database for Person Identification,” Proc. 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp. 1881-1884, Orlando, Florida, December, 2008.
- N. B. Puhan, N. Sudha “A novel iris database indexing method using the iris color,” Proc. 3rd IEEE Conf. on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pp. 1886-1891, Singapore, June 2008.
- N. B. Puhan, N. Sudha “Design of efficient techniques for iris recognition,” Proc. InfoComm Technology workshop, pp. 23-36, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, March 2008.
- N. B. Puhan, N.Sudha, X. Jiang “Robust Eyeball Segmentation in Noisy Iris Images using Fourier Spectral Density,” Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), pp. 1337-1341, Singapore, December 2007.
- N. Sudha, N. B. Puhan, Hua Xia, Jiang Xudong “Iris Recognition on Edge Maps,” Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), pp. 1-4, Singapore, December 2007.
- N. Sudha, N. B. Puhan, Hua Xia, Jiang Xudong “Local Partial Hausdorff Distance Measure Based on Binary Feature for Iris Recognition,” Invited paper, Proc. 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI), pp. 621-629, Pune, India, December 2007.
- Niladri B. Puhan, A.T.S. Ho, F. Sattar “Erasable Authentication Watermarking in Binary Document Images,” Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC-07), pp. 288-291, Kumamoto, Japan, September 2007.
- Niladri B. Puhan, Anthony T. S. Ho “Secure Exact Authentication in Binary Document Images,” Proc. IET Intl. Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE), pp. 29 -34, Bangalore, India, September 2006.
- Niladri B. Puhan, Anthony T. S. Ho “Restoration in Secure Text Document Image Authentication Using Erasable Watermarks,” Proc. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 3802, pp. 661-668, Xian, China December, 2005.
- Niladri B. Puhan, Anthony T. S. Ho “Secure Tamper Localization in Binary Document Image Authentication,” Proc. 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 3684, pp. 263-271,Melbourne, Australia, September, 2005.
- Niladri B. Puhan, Anthony T. S. Ho “Binary Document Image Watermarking for Secure Authentication Using Perceptual Modeling,” Proc. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), pp. 393-398, Athens, Greece, July 2005.
- Anthony T. S. Ho, Niladri B. Puhan, P. Marziliano, A. Makur, Y. L. Guan “Perception Based Binary Image Watermarking,” Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 37-40, vol. 2, Vancouver, Canada, May 2004.
- Anthony T. S. Ho, Niladri B. Puhan, P. Marziliano, A. Makur, Y. L. Guan “Imperceptible Data Embedding in Sharply-Contrasted Binary Images,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), pp. 958-963, vol. 2, Kunming, China, December 2004.
- Niladri B. Puhan, A. Makur “A robust watermarking scheme based on perceptual contrast energy,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP), pp. 114-118, Chennai, India, Jan 2004.
- Anthony T. S. Ho, Niladri B. Puhan, P. Marziliano, Y. L. Guan “A Novel Curvature-Weighted Distance Difference (CWDD) Perceptual Model for Binary Image Data Hiding,” Proc. 5th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), pp. 355-358,Calcutta, India, December 2003.
- S S Selvi, N. H. Chauhan, Niladri B Puhan, A. Makur “Overview of image watermarking research in Viscom lab,” Proc. National Workshop on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (WVGIP), pp. 17-22, Madurai, India, February 2002.
Degree | Discipline | Year | School |
PhD & Postdoc | Image Processing | 2002-2009 | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
M.E. | Signal Processing | 2000-2002 | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
B.E. | Electrical Engineering | 1996-2000 | University College of Engineering, Burla |
- IITBBS Odia Numeral and Character Database
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