Prof. Manoranjan Satpathy
- Room No: 221, SECS
- +91 674-713-5728
- manoranjan@iitbbs.ac.in
- School of Electrical and Computer Sciences
- Research
- Biosketch
- Projects
- Teaching
- Mentoring
- Publication International
- Conference International
- Conference National
- Books & Patents
- Education
- Experience
- Awards
- Others
Software Testing & Verification; Software Engineering; Formal Methods; High Performance Computing Systems
Past scholars:
1) Daniel Rodriguez Garcia, University of Reading
[co-supervision with Prof Rachel Harrison]
(Now Associate Professor, University of Alcala, Spain)
2) H.K. Mishra, Utkal University
[co-supervision with Prof B. Mohanty]
(now Professor, IRMA, Anand)
3) Debiprasanna Sahoo, IIT Bhubaneswar, degree awarded in 2019
(now Asst Professor, IIT Roorkee)
4) Shivani Tripathy, IIT Bhubaneswar, degree awarded in 2022
(now with AMD, Bangalore)
Present Scholars:
1) Anik Chaudhury, IIT Bhubaneswar
2) Mitali Sihna, IIT Bhubaneswar
(co-spervision with Dr Padmalochan Bera)
Author(s) | Recent Publication (International Journals) |
S. Tripathy, D. Sahoo, M. Satpathy, Madhu Mutyam | |
S. Behera, D.P. Dogra, M. Satpathy | |
S. Tripathy, M. Satpathy | |
A. Choudhury, A. Mohanty, M. Satpathy | |
D. Sahoo, S. Sha, M. Satpathy, Madhu Mutyam | |
D. Sahoo, S. Sha, M. Satpathy, Madhu Mutyam | |
D. Sahoo, Madhu Mutyam, M. Satpathy, S. Sha, S. Ramesh, P. Roop | |
S. Biswas, R. Mall, M. Satpathy | |
M. Satpathy, A. Yeolekar, P. Peranandam, S. Ramesh | |
S. Biswas, R. Mall, M. Satpathy | |
S. Biswas, R. Mall, M. Satpathy, S. Sukumaran | |
R. Suman, R. Mall, S. Sukumaran, M. Satpathy | |
L. Tsiopoulos, M. Satpathy | |
H.K. Misra, M. Satpathy, H. Mohanty | |
M. Satpathy, M. Leuschel , M. Butler | |
NT Siebel, S. Cook, M. Satpathy, D. Rodriguez | |
S. Mishra, K Sikdar, M. Satpathy | |
M. Satpathy, A. Sanyal, G. Venkatesh |
Recent Publication (International Conferences) | Author(s)/Speaker(s) |
An Anomaly Free Distributed Firewall System for SDN. IEEE Cyber Science Conference, Dublin, 2021: 1-8.
M. Sinha, P. Bera, M. Satpathy |
LocalityGuru: A PTX Analyzer for Extracting Thread Block-level Locality in GPGPUs. IEEE Networking Architecture and Storage Conference, Riverside (NAS 2021): 1-8, 2021.
D. Tripathy, AmirAli Abdolrashidi, Quan Fan, Daniel Wong, M Satpathy |
Fuzzy fairness controller for NVMe SSDs, ACM International Conf on Supercomputing (ICS), Barcelona, 2020.
S Tripathy, D. Sahoo, M. Satpathy, Madhu Mutyam |
Slumber: static-power management for GPGPU register files, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics (ISLPED), Vol 1, 2020.
D. Tripathy, L.N. Bhuyan, Hadi Zamani, D Sahoo, M. Satpathy |
Formal Modelling and Verification of NAND Flash Memory, IEEE ICCD (Intnl Conf on omputer Design), Abu Dhabi, 2019, pp. 1-4.
S. Tripathy, D. Sahoo, M. Satpathy, S. Pinnisety |
Post-Model Validation of Victim DRAM Caches, IEEE ICCD (Intnl Conf on omputer Design), Abu Dhabi, 2019, pp. 5-8.
D. Sahoo, S. Tripathy, M. Satpathy and M. Mutyam |
7. Multidimensional Grid Aware Address Prediction for GPGPU, IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID), New Delhi, 2019,pp:263-268.
S. Tripathy, D. Sahoo and M. Satpathy |
CAMO: A Novel Cache Management Organization for GPGPUs, IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2018, pp. 215-220.
D. Sahoo, S. Sha, M. Satpathy, M. Mutyam and L. N. Bhuyan |
Locking Lines in Tag Cache to Improve Access Optimization for DRAM Caches:WIP, IEEE International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), ESWEEK, Turin, 2018.
S. Tripathy, D. Sahoo and M. Satpathy |
An Experimental Study on Dynamic Bank Partitioning of DRAM in Chip Multiprocessors, 30th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID), Hyderabad, 2017, pp. 35-40.
D. Sahoo, M. Satpathy and M. Mutyam |
MSimDRAM: Formal Model Driven Development of a DRAM Simulator, IEEE VLSI Design Conference, 2016.
D. Sahoo, M. Satpathy |
Sensors in your clothes: Design and Development of a Prototype, Mobile Web an Intelligence Information Systems (MobiWIS), Viena, pp. 302-312,2016.
K.Lorentzen,T. Gronli,G. Ghinea,M. Younas, M. Satpathy |
Inferring State Models using Feedback Directed-Random Testing, IEEE Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, pp. 322-329, 2014.
S. Sukumaran, M Satpathy, S K Kolluru, R Mall |
Architectural semantics of AADL using Event-B, 2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), Bangalore, IEEE, 2014.
M D’Souza ; S. Ramesh ; M Satpathy |
A Mixed Approach to Rigorous Development of Control Designs, to appear in the Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Computer Aided Control Design – Systems under uncertainty (CSCSD-SU), Hederabad, August 2013.
M Satpathy, S Ramesh, C. Snook, NK Singh, M. Butler |
Systematic Development of Control Designs via Formal Refinement, Proc. of the International Conf. on Model Driven Engineering and Software Development, Barcelona, Feb 2013.
M.Satpathy, C. Snook, S. Arora, S. Ramesh, M. Butler |
SmartTestGen+: A Test suite booster for enhanced structural coverage, Intnl. Colloquium in Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC’12), LNCS Volume 7521, September 2012.
S. Raviram, P. Peranandam, M. Satpathy, S. Ramesh |
SmartTestGen: An integrated test generation framework for enhanced coverage of Simulink/Stateflow models, IEEE Design Automation & Test in Europe Conf. (DATE’12), pp. 308-311, 2012
P. Peranandam, S. Raviram, M. Satpathy, A. Yeolekar, A. Gadkari, S. Ramesh |
Cross-layer analysis, testing and verification of automotive control software, in Proc. of ACM EMSOFT’11 (International Conference on Embedded Software), pp. 263-272, 2011.
M. Broy, S. Chakrabarty, D. Goswami, S. Ramesh, M. Satpathy, S. Resmeretia, W. Pree |
Formal foundation to systematic development of Simulink/Stateflow models, Proc. of the Dagstuhl Seminar on Refinement based methods for the construction of dependable systems, 2009.
M. Satpathy, S. Ramesh |
Randomized Directed Testing (REDIRECT) for Simulink/Stateflow models, in Proc. of ACM EMSOFT’08 (International Conference on Embedded Software), 2008, pp. 217-226.
M. Satpathy, A. Yeolekar, S. Ramesh |
Test case generation from formal models through abstraction refinement and model checking, ACM workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST), 2007
M. Satpathy, S. Ramesh |
Automatic Testing from Formal Specifications, in Proc. of Intnl. Conf. on Testing and Proofs (TAP’07), LNCS 4454, pp. 95-113, 2007.
M. Satpathy, M. Butler, M. Leuschel, S. Ramesh |
Synthesis of Scenario Based Test Cases from B Models, in Proc. of FATES/RV 2006 (Formal Approaches to Software Testing and Runtime Verification, LNCS. 4262, Springer, pp. 133-147, 2006.
M. Satpathy, Q. Malik, J. Lilius |
A Formal Model of Context-Awareness and Context-Dependency, IEEE SEFM’06 (Software Engineering and Formal Methods), 177-185, 2006.
M. Neovius, K. Sere, L. Yuan, M. Satpathy |
Refactoring of Assertions in Design by Contract, Internl. Workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering (WOOR2006), in conjuntion with the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), Nantes, 2006.
D. RodrÃguez, M. Satpathy, J. Coves, J.J. Cuadrado |
Managing Information Technology Acquisition in Organizations: a Strategic Evaluation Framework, e-Commerce 2005 Proceedings, 2005.
H.K. Misra, M. Satpathy, B. Mohanty |
Assertions in Object Oriented Software Maintenance: Analysis and a Case Study, IEEE ICSM’04 (International Conference on Software Maintenance), 2004, pp. 124-135.
M. Satpathy, N.T. Siebel, D. Rodriguez |
Effective Software Project Management Education through Simulation Models: An Externally Replicated Experiment, Proc of PROFES (Product Focused Process Improvement), LNCS 3009, Springer, 287-301, 2004.
D. Rodriguez, M. Satpathy, D. Pfahl |
High Performance Code Generation through Lazy Activation Records, IEEE Workshop on INTERACT (Interaction between in Compilers and Computer Architectures), 2003, pp. 37-50,
M.Satpathy, RN Mahapatra, S. Choudhury, S. Chitnis |
A Typed Generic Process Model for Product Focused Process Improvement, IEEE COMPSAC’02, pp.379-384. 2002.
M. Satpathy, R. Harrison |
An Investigation of Prediction Models for Project Management, IEEE COMPSAC’02 (Conference on Computer Science and Applications), pp. 779-784.
D. Rodriguez, R. Harrison, M. Satpathy, J. Dolado |
Maintenance of Object Oriented Systems through Re-Engineering: A Case Study, IEEE ICSM’02 (Intnl. Conf on Software Maintenance), pp. 540-549.
M. Satpathy, N.T. Siebel, D. Rodriguez |
Generic Model and Tool Support for Assessing and Improving Web Processes, IEEE METRICS’02 (Intnl . Software Metrics Symposium), pp. 141-151.
D. Rodriguez, R. Harrison, M. Satpathy |
A Comparative Study of Formal and Informal Specifications through an Industrial Case Study, Proc IEEE/IFIP Workshop on Formal Specification of Computer Based Systems (FSCBS’01), 2001.
M. Satpathy, R. Harrison, C. Snook, M. Butler |
Tool support for the typed generic process model, In Current Trends in Software Measurement (Dumke, Abran (eds)), Proc. 11thInternational Workshop on Software Measurement, (IWSM’01), Shaker Verlag, 2001.
D. Rodriguez, R. Harrison, M. Satpathy |
A Generic Model for Assessing Process Quality, Intnl Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM’2000), LNCS No. 2006, Springer, pp. 94-110, 2000.
M. Satpathy, R. Harrison, C. Snook, M. Butler |
Some Decidability Results for Duration Calculus under Synchronous Interpretation, FTRTFT’98 (Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems), LNCS 1486, Springer, pp. 186-197, 1998.
M. Satpathy, DV Hung, PK Pandya |
Automaton-Driven Frame Disposal Algorithm and its Proof of Correctness, ASIAN 1995 (Asian Computer Science Conference), LNCS 1023, Springer, pp. 88-102, 1995.
M. Satpathy, A. Sanyal, G. Venkatesh |
Rationalized Three Instruction Machine, ACM POPL workshop on Intermediate Representation (IR’95), Sigplan Notices special issue, pp. 94-102, 1995.
SV Chitnis, M. Satpathy, S. Oberoi |
Improved Compilation of Functional Programs through Voltage Graphs, National seminar on Theoretical Computer Science, 1995.
M. Satpathy, A. Sanyal |
Degree | Discipline | Year | School |
Ph.D | Computer Science | 1997 | IIT Bombay |
Staff Reseracher General Motors India Science Lab, Bangalore [2006-2012]
Post doctoral Reseracher Abo Akademi, Finland [2005-2006]
Lecturer Department of Computer Science University of Reading [1999-2005]
Asst Professor Department of Computer Science and Engg IIT Guwahati [1997-1999]
Programmer Analyst Tata Motors, Jamshedpur [1987-1990]
- Best Poster award at the IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
- Discovery Project Award from Global General Motors R&D
8 years of Teaching + 7 years in industry