School of Electrical and Computer Sciences

PhD Summer School 2023

School of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, in collaboration with the IEEE Power Electronics Society had organized the First PhD Summer School 2023 for doctoral scholars with background in Power Electronics, during 10th to 14th July 2023. The objective was to encourage brilliant young minds to build careers in areas of Electrical Engineering including Power Electronics, Power Systems, Renewable Integration, Smart Grids, and Control Systems. 97 PhD Scholars working in the area of Power Electronics and its application across various institutes in India had attended the PhD Summer School. The inaugural session has been conducted on 10th July 2023 from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM, which was attended by Prof. A K Tripathy, former CPRI Director, as chief guest. The event also witnessed video Address by Prof. Brad Lehman, President of IEEE PELS, Prof. Liuchen Chang, Immediate Past President has presented the State of PELS to the audience in virtual mode. Prof. Mario Pacas, VP Global relations highlighted various awards and funding opportunities in IEEE PELS. Prof. Sanjib Kumar Panda, R-10 Reginal chair has provided insight to the activities in Region 10.  Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki, India-Liaison has introduced the objectives of the PhD School and benefits of joining IEEE PELS to the participants.

In total, 14 sessions have been conducted, which included talks by experts from academia and industry, PhD talks and Hand on training.  13 PhD scholars presented their work to the peers, which was followed by very interactive Q&A Session. 4 Hands on training on FPGA, STM32 and C2000 Microcontroller had been arranged as a part of PhD Summer School. 10 Lectures, which included talks by Prof. A K Tripathy, Prof. Deepak Raj Diwan, Prof. Sanjib Panda, Dr. Kaushik Basu, Dr. Santanu Kapat, Dr. Krishna Dora, Dr. Subham Sahoo, Mr. Kedarnath, Mr. Kamaldeep, Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki have been delivered. All the participants are shown the laboratory facilities in IIT Bhubaneswar and special session on dSPACE has been arranged by PhD Scholars of IIT Bhubaneswar. Prof. Dehong Xu, VP Membership had given his welcome address to the audience.
The participants have been provided with bags and writing materials. Mr. Ranjan, IEEE Bhubaneswar Student branch chapter chair, Mr. Sanjib, Mr. Ravi Ranjan, Mr. Pragya Nand Singh and other scholars have actively volunteered the entire program successfully. The feedback from the participants was very much positive and many institutes/Chapters have shown interest in conducting the next edition of the PhD Summer School at their location.

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