School of Electrical and Computer Sciences

Padmalochan Bera

Dr. Padmalochan Bera

Associate Professor
Network Security; AI for Security, Cryptography; Software Defined Networks; Protocol Verification, Cloud Computing
Sponsored Projects:

Title: Automated Security Verification and Diagnosis of Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure – a formal analytics based approach Sponsoring Organization: SRIC, IIT Bhubaneswar Duration: 2 years (Cost: 9.95 Lakhs) [Completed]

Title: NetAssure: A Formal Configuration Compliance checking, Security Policy Verification and Threat Diagnosis Tool for Enterprise Computing and Network Infrastructure Funding Agency: SAG, DRDO, New Delhi Duration: 2 years (Cost: 27.84 Lakhs) [Completed]

Title: Design and Development of Tools for Detection and Prevention of Cyber Attacks in Smart Grid EMS, Sponsoring Agency: CPRI, Bangalore Duration: 3 years (Cost: 49.95 Lakhs) [Ongoing]

Title: Development of Formal Verification Tools for Proactive Assessment and Prevention of Security Threats in Enterprise Networks, Funding Agency: DRDO, New Delhi Duration: 3 years (Cost: 39 Lakhs) [ongoing]

Consultancy Projects:

Title: Distributed SDN Controller with End to End Security. Funding Agency: Central Research Laboratory, Bharat Electronics Ltd. Bengaluru Duration: 2 Years (Cost: 46.5 Lakhs) [Completed]

Database Systems Theory and Lab (Spring 2022)
Cloud Computing (Spring 2022)
Digital Forensics (Spring 2022) [with Dr. M. Satpathy]
Networks and System Security (Autumn 2021)
Discrete Structure (Autumn 2021)
Cryptography (Autumn 2021)
Programming and Data Structure Lab (Autumn 2021, Spring 2022)
Awarded PhD students:
1. Dr. Bata krishna Tripathy [working as Network Engineer at NIC]
Thesis Title: Development of a Context-aware Secure Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
 2. Dr. Madhukrishna Priyadarsini [working as Assistant Professor (CSE) at NIT, Trichy]
Thesis Title: Design and Developement of Efficient and Secure Traffic Mangaement Archiotecture for SDN
3. Dr. Kamalakanta Sethi [working as Assistant Professor (CSE) at IIIT, Sri City]
Thesis Title: Design of Advanced Cryptography and Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Networks
Current PhD students:
1. Kasturi Routray [Area: Applied Cryptography]
2. Rosalini Tripathy [course work ongoing]
3. Mitali Sinha (jointly with Prof. M. Satpathy) [Distributed Firewall for SDN]
 I am looking for highly motivated PhD scholars and project JRFs. Visit my webpage for research areas and project openings.
  1. Rojalini Tripathy, Padmalochan Bera: A Cost-effective Framework for Privacy Preserving Federated Learning. ICDCN 2024: 298-303
  2. Kasturi Routray, Padmalochan Bera: Fog-Assisted Dynamic IoT Device Access Management Using Attribute-Based Encryption. ICDCN 2024: 346-352
  3. Kasturi Routray, Padmalochan Bera: Fine-Grained Access Control with Efficient Range Comparison for Outsourced Data. 38th ACM SIGCOMM 2024 (Accept)
  4. M. Priyadarshini, Padmalochan Bera, S. Das, M. A. Rahaman: A Security Enforcement Framework for SDN Controller using Game Theoretic approach, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC) , 20(2), pp. 1500-1515, 2023
  5. Sai Prasath S, Dinesh Mohanty, Kamalakanta Sethi, P. Bera, S. R. Samantarary: Analysis of Continual Learning Models for Intrusion Detection Systems, IEEE Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3222715, 2022
  6. Kamalakanta Sethi, Ankit Pradhan, Padmalochan Bera, PMTER-ABE: a practical multi-authority CP-ABE with traceability, revocation and outsourcing decryption for secure access control in cloud systems, Cluster Computing 24(2): 1525-1550 , 2021
  7. Madhukrishna Priyadarshini, Padmalochan Bera: Software defined networking architecture, traffic management, security, and placement: A survey, Computer Networks 192:108047 ,2021
  8. Madhukrishna Priyadarsini, Shailesh Kumar, Padmalochan Bera, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, An energy-efficient load distribution framework for SDN controllers. Computing 102(9): 2073-2098 , 2020
  9. Kamalakanta Sethi, Ankit Pradhan, Padmalochan Bera: Practical traceable multi-authority CP-ABE with outsourcing decryption and access policy updation. J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 51: 102435 , 2020
  10. Bata Krishna Tripathy, Swagat Kumar Jena, Padmalochan Bera, Satyabrata Das: An Adaptive Secure and Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Wirel. Pers. Commun. 114(2): 1339-1370 , 2020
  11. Kamalakanta Sethi, E. Sai Rupesh, Rahul Kumar, Padmalochan Bera, Venu Madhav Yatam: A context-aware robust intrusion detection system: a reinforcement learning-based approach. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 19(6): 657-678, 2020
  12. Madhukrishna Priyadarshini, Padmalochan Bera, “Traffic Management in SDN – A Roadmap to Research”, Scholars’ Press , 2019
  13. Kamalakanta Sethi, E Sai Rupesh Rahul Kumar, Y Venu Madhav, Padmalochan Bera, “A Context-aware Robust Intrusion Detection System: A Reinforcement Learning based Approach”, International Journal of Information Security (IJIS), Springer, 2019
  14. Madhukrishna Priyadarsini, Joy Chandra Mukherjee, Padmalochan Bera, Shailesh Kumar, AHM Jakaria, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, “An Adaptive Load Balancing Scheme for Software Defined Network Controllers”, Computer Networks, Elsevier vol. 164 , 2019
  15. Madhukrishna Priyadarsini, Shailesh Kumar, Padmalochan Bera, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, “An energy-efficient load distribution framework for SDN controllers”, Journal of Computing, Springer, pp. 1-26, 2019
  16. Bata Krishna Tripathy, Swagat Kumar Jena, Padmalochan Bera, Satyabrata Das “A New Mobility Control Approach for Improved Route Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” , Journal of Science and Engineering, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s13369-019-03899-3, 2019
  17. Madhukrishna Priyadarssini, Padmalochan Bera , “A Secure Virtual Controller for Traffic Management in SDN”, IEEE Letters of Computer Society, vol 2(3), pp. 24-27 , 2019
  18. Batakrishna Tripathy, Padmalochan Bera , Debiprosad Das, Risk based Security Enforcement in Software Defined Network, Journal of Computer and Security, Elsevier, vol 78: 321-335 , 2018
  19. Soumya Maity, Padmalochan Bera, S. K. Ghosh and Ehab Al-Shaer. Formal integrated network security analysis tool: formal query-based network security configuration analysis. IET Networks vol. 4(2):137-147 , 2015
  20. Santosh Majhi, Padmalochan Bera, OHMF: A Query Based Optimal Healthcare Medication Framework, International Journal of Information Processing , 2014.
  21. M. Ashiqur Rahaman and Ehab Al-Shaer, Padmalochan BeraA Noninvasive Threat Analyzer for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grid In IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid vol 4(1), pp. 273-287 , March 2013
  22. Padmalochan Bera, S. K. Ghosh and Pallab Dasgupta, A WLAN Security Management Framework based on Formal Spatio-Temporal RBAC Model, Journal of Security and Communication Networks (SCN), Wiley InterScience, vol 4(9): 981-993 , August 2011.
  23. Padmalochan Bera, Pallab Dasgupta, S. K. Ghosh, Policy based Security Analysis in Enterprise Networks- A formalapproach, IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management, vol. 7(4): pp. 231-243 , December 2010.
  24. Padmalochan Bera, Pallab Dasgupta, S. K. Ghosh, Integrated Security Analysis Framework for an Enterprise Network-A Formal Approach, IET Information Security Journal, vol. 4(4): 283-300 , December 2010.
  25. Padmalochan Bera, Pallab Dasgupta, S. K. Ghosh, Formal Analysis of Security Policy Implementations in EnterpriseNetworks. International Journal of Computer Network and Communications (IJCNC), Vol. 1(2): 56-73 , July 2009.
  1. Madhukeishna Priyadarsini, Pooja Mittal, J. C. Mukherjee, P. Bera, Budget-constrained Controller Placement in Software-defined Network, ACM ICDCN , pp. 217-226, Kharagpur, India, 2023
  2. Kasturi Routray, Padmalochan Bera, RLT-CPABE: Revocable Location and Time Aware Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption, IEEE ANTS 2022 , Gandhinagar, India (Accept)
  3. Aniket Agarwal, Kamalakanta Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “Inviolable e-Question paper via QR code Watermarking and Visual Cryptography”, IEEE ANTS 2021 pp. 266-271, Hyderabad, India, 2021.
  4. Aniket Agarwal, Kamalakanta Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, “IoT-Based Aggregate Smart Grid Energy Data Extraction Using Image Recognition and Partial Homomorphic Encryption”, IEEE ANTS 2021 , pp. 408-413, Hyderabad, India, 2021.
  5. Madhukrishna Priyadarshini, Padmalochan Bera, “An SDN Implemented Adaptive Load Balancing Scheme for Mobile Networks”, ICDCIT, Springer vol. 13145, pp. 127-139, 2022
  6. Dinesh Mohanty, Kamalakanta Sethi, Sai Prasath, Rashmi Ranjan Rout, Padmalochan Bera: “Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Smart Grid Applications” IEEE CyberSA: 1-8 , London, UK, 2021
  7. Mitali Sinha, Padmalochan Bera, Manoranjan Satpathy: “An Anomaly Free Distributed Firewall System for SDN”. IEEE CyberSA : 1-8 , London, UK, 2021
  8. Shobhit, Padmalochan Bera, “ModCGAN: A Multimodal Approach to Detect New Malware” IEEE CyberSA: 1-2 , London, UK, 2021
  9. Kamalakanta Sethi, Rahul Kumar, Padmalochan Bera, ” Deep Reinforcement Learning based Intrusion Detection System for Cloud Infrastructure “, IEEE COMSNETS , Bangalore 2020
  10. Kamalakanta Sethi, Rahul Kumar, Padmalochan Bera, “A Lightweight Intrusion Detection System using Benford’s law and Network Flow Size Difference”, IEEE COMSNETS , Bangalore 2020
  11. Madhukrishna Priyadarshini, Pooja Mittal, Padmalochan Bera, “Smart City Renovation using SDN Framework”, IEEE COMSNETS , Bangalore 2020
  12. Kamlakanta Sethi, Ankit Pradhan, Padmalochan Bera, “Attribute-based Data Security with Obfuscated Access Policy for Smart Grid Applications”, IEEE COMSNETS , Bangalore 2020
  13. Madhukrishna. Priyadarsini, Padmalochan Bera, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, “A Signalling Game-Based Security Enforcement Mechanism for SDN Controllers”, IEEE ICCCNT , IIT Kanpur, July 2019.
  14. Kamalakanta Sethi, Rahul Kumar, Lingaraj Sethi, Padmalochan Bera, ‘A Novel Machine Learning Based Malware Detection and Classification Framework’, IEEE Cyber Science 2019 , Oxford, UK, June 3-4 2019
  15. Kamalakanta Sethi, Punith R, Ankit Pradhan, Padmalochan Bera, ‘A Scalable Attribute Based Encryption for Secure Data Storage and Access in Cloud’, IEEE Cyber Science 2019 , University of Oxford, UK, June 3-4 2019
  16. Ankit Pradhan, Kamalakanta Sethi, Shrohan Mohapatra Padmalochan Bera , “Distributed Multi-authority Attribute-based Encryption Using Cellular Automata”, 18th International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS) , Fuzhou, China 2019
  17. Madhukrishna Priyadarsini, Padmalochan Bera, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman, “A New Approach for Energy Efficiency in Software Defined Network”, 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Networks (CN 2018) , Gliwice, Poland, June 19-22, 2018.
  18. Madhukrishna Priyadarsini, Padmalochan Bera , “A New Approach for SDN Performance Enhancement”, IEEE Software Defined Systems (SDS-2018) Barcelona, Spain, April 23-26, 2018. (Best Paper Award)
  19. Kamalakanta Sethi, Anish Chopra, Padmalochan Bera, Bata Krishna Tripathy: Integration of role based access control with homomorphic cryptosystem for secure and controlled access of data in cloud. ACM SIN: 194-199 , NY, USA, 2017
  20. Kamalakanta Sethi, Shankar Kumar Chaudhary, Bata Krishna Tripathy, Padmalochan Bera : A novel malware analysis for malware detection and classification using machine learning algorithms. ACM SIN: 107-113 , NY, USA, 2017
  21. Kamalakanta Sethi, Shankar Kumar Chaudhary, Bata Krishna Tripathy, Padmalochan Bera: A Novel Malware Analysis Framework for Malware Detection and Classification using Machine Learning Approach. 19th ACM ICDCN 2018: 491-494 , Hyderabad, India
  22. Madhukrishna Priyadarsini, Padmalochan Bera, Rohan Bhampal, “Performance Analysis of SDN controller architecture- A Simulation Based Survey “, IEEE WisPNET 2017 (IEEE COMSOC) , Chennai, India, 22-24 March 2017
  23. Bata Krishna Tripathy, Ashray Sudhir, Padmalochan Bera , “Formal Modelling and Verification of Requirements of Adaptive Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network”, 41st IEEE COMPSAC , pp. 548-556, Turin, Italy, July 2017.
  24. Kamalakanta Sethi, Amartya Majumdar, Padmalochan Bera , “A Novel Implementation of Parallel Homomorphic Encryption for Secure Data Storage in Cloud”, Cyber Security 2017) , pp-1-7, London, UK, June,2017.
  25. Bata Krishna Tripathy, Ananta Gopal Sethy, Padmalochan Bera and Mohammed Ashiqur Rahman, A Novel Secure and Efficient Policy Management Framework for Software Defined Network, 40th IEEE COMPSAC, pp. 423-430 , Atlanta USA, 2016
  26. Bata Krishna Tripathy, Padmalochan Bera , Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman: Analysis of trust models in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A simulation based study. IEEE COMSNETS 2016: 1-8 , Bangalore, India 2016
  27. Santosh Majhi and Padmalochan Bera “A Security Enforcement Framework for Virtual Machine Migration Auction”. ACM Safeconfig, ACM CCS , pp. 47-53, Denver, USA, October 2015
  28. Santosh Majhi, Padmalochan Bera Designing an Adaptive Firewall for Enterprise Cloud, International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing , India, December 2014.
  29. Santosh Majhi, Padmalochan Bera. VM migration auction: Business oriented federation of cloud providers for scaling of application services, International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing , India, December 2014.
  30. Santosh Majhi, Padmalochan Bera, Swapnil Kumar, Ehab Al-Shaer, Manoranjan Satpathy. Synthesizing Optimal Security Configurations for Enterprise Networks – A formal Approach. IET System Safety and Cyber Security Conference , Manchester UK, October 2014
  31. Padmalochan Bera, S. K. Ghosh, A Query Driven Security Testing Framework for Enterprise Network, SECTEST, IEEE ICST , Luxembourg, March 2013
  32. Padmalochan Bera and A. Pasala, A Framework for optimizing effort in Testing System-of-Systems, IEEE ICSEM 2012 , Mysore, India, December 2012
  33. M. Ashiqur Rahaman, Padmalochan Bera, E. Al-Shaer, A Non-invasive Security Threat Analyzer for AMI Smart Grid, 31st IEEE INFOCOM 2012, pp. 2255-2263 , Florida, USA, March 2012
  34. Saeed Al-Haj, Padmalochan Bera and Ehab Al-Shaer, Build and Test Your Own Network Configuration, 7th SecureComm 2011) , London, UK, September 2011
  35. Padmalochan Bera, Soumya Maity, S. K. Ghosh and PallabDasgupta, Generating Policy based Security Implementations in Enterprise Networks. SafeConfig, ACM CCS 2010 , Chicago, USA, October 2010.
  36. Padmalochan Bera, Soumya Maity, S. K. Ghosh and Pallab Dasgupta, A Query based Formal Security AnalysisFramework for Enterprise LAN, 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2010 (CIT 2010), pp. 407-414 , Bradford, UK, June 2010
  37. Padmalochan Bera, Pallab Dasgupta, S. K. Ghosh, A Spatio-temporal Role-based Access Control Model for WirelessLAN Security Policy Management, ICISTM-10, LNCS, Springer Verlag, pp 76-88 , Bangkok, Thailand, March 2010.
  38. Soumya Maity, Padmalochan Bera and Soumya Kanti Ghosh, A Mobile IP based WLAN Security management framework with reconfigurable hardware acceleration, ACM SIN 2010, pp. 218-223 , Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Russia , 2010
  39. Padmalochan Bera, Pallab Dasgupta, S. K. Ghosh, Fault Analysis of Security Implementations in EnterpriseNetworks, IEEE International Conference on Network and Communication Systems (NetCom 2009),DOI: 10.1109/Netcom.2009.82, pp. 240-245 , Chennai, India, December 2009.
  40. Padmalochan Bera, Pallab Dasgupta, S. K. Ghosh, Formal Verification of Security Policy Implementations inEnterprise Networks, International Conference on Information Systems and Security (ICISS 2009), LNCS 5905, pp. 117-131 , Kolkata, India, December 2009.
Degree Discipline Year School
  PhD CSE 2011 IIT Kharagpur
  ME CSE 2006 WBUT Kolkata
  BE CSE 2001 Jadavpur University

Worked as Senior Research Scientist in INFOSYS Labs, Bangalore [2012-13];

Worked as Researcher in Rigorous Software Validation Group at General Motors India Science Lab, Bangalore [2011-12];

Worked as Post-doctoral Researcher at CyberDNA Resarch Center, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA [2010-11]

Professional Experience

  • Doctoral Symposium Chair, ICDCN 2017, 2018;
  • Toturial Chair IEEE ANTS 2017
  •  PC Member, INFOCOM (2016, 2017), IEEE COMSNETS (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), IEEE ANTS (2017, 2018), ICDCN (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019),  COUFLESS 2015, ICSE 2015, ACM CCS (2010, 2011), ACM Safeconfig 2016
  • Senior Research Scientist in Infosys Labs (Software Test Automation and Optimization Group), Bangalore, India from July 2012 to September 2013
  • Researcher in General Motors India Science Lab (Control Software Validation Group), Bangalore, India from September 2011 to June 2012.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow in CyberDNA Research Center, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC, USA from October 2010 to September 2011.
  • Member, IEEE and IEEE Control System Society, Bangalore Chapter
  • Member, CyberDNA Research Centre, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
  • Reviewer of IEEE TNSM, IET Information Security, Wiley SCN
  • MHRD Travel Grant to attend and present research in IEEE Cyber Science in Oxford University London, UK
  • MHRD Travel grant to attend and present paper in IEEE SDS 2018, Barcelona, Spain
  • MHRD grant to attend and present research paper in Cyber Security 2017, London, UK
  • Visit to University of North Carolina Charlotte, NC, USA for research collaboration (funded by UNC Charlotte)
  • UGC and MHRD Travel Grant to attend IET System safety and Cyber Security Workshop, Manchester, UK
  • Post-doctoral Fellow, CyberDNA Research Center, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA
  • ACM Travel Grant to attend CCS 2010 conference, Chicago, USA
  • Scholarship from HQIDS, Ministry of Defense, India
  • National Scholarship 1993-95 for results in Secondary Examination
  • National Scholarship 1995-1999 for results in Higher Secondary Examination

Course Organized

  • AICTE Sponsored FDP on “Software Defined Networks and Applications” during June 22-July 2, 2021
  • GIAN course on “Applied Cyber Security” during August 5-12, 2016

Patent(s) Granted

  • Padmalochan Bera, A. Pasala., Method and System for Generating stateflow models from software requirements. US patent no: 9965252, 2018.
  • Padmalochan Bera, A. Pasala., Methods and System for optimizing testing efforts in System of System Testing, US patent no: 9208046, 2015

Research Project(s)

Sponsored Projects

1. Title: Automated Security Verification and Diagnosis of Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure – a formal analytics based approach Sponsoring Organization: SRIC, IIT Bhubaneswar Duration: 2 years (Cost: 9.95 Lakhs) [Completed]

2. Title: NetAssure: A Formal Configuration Compliance checking, Security Policy Verification and Threat Diagnosis Tool for Enterprise Computing and Network Infrastructure Funding Agency: SAG, DRDO, New Delhi Duration: 2 years (Cost: 21.84 Lakhs) [Completed]

3. Title: Design and Development of Tools for Detection and Prevention of Cyber Attacks in Smmart Grid EMS, Sponsoring Agency: CPRI, Bangalore Duration: 3 years (Cost: 49.95 Lakhs) [Ongoing] (co-PI: Dr. S. R. Samantaray)

4. Title: Development of Formal Verification Tools for Proactive Assessment and Prevention of Security Threats in Enterprise Networks,Funding Agency: SAG, DRDO, New Delhi Duration: 3 years (Cost: 38.4 Lakhs) [Ongoing]


Consultancy Projects

Title: Distributed SDN Controller with End to End Security. Funding Agency: Central Research Laboratory,Bharat Electronics Ltd.,Bengaluru Duration: 2 Years (Cost: 42.5 Lakhs) [Ongoing]

Important Talks/Presentations

  • Webinar on “AI and its Applications in Cyber Security”, NIT Warrangal, India, Nvember 16, 2021
  • Webinar on “Machine Learning for Cyber Security – an intelligent Intrusion Detection perspective”, IIEST Shibpur, India, February 15 2021
  • Invited Talk on “Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems”, ACM Summer School on Cybersecurity, NISER, Bhubaneswar, December 13 2019
  • Invited Talk on “Formal Modelling Techniques for verification of Network Security Policy Implementations and device configurations”, Software Analytics Group, DRDO, New Delhi, June 6 2016
  • Invited Talk on “Software Defined Networks with Network Function Virtualization – a research roadmap”, IEEE National Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks with Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, Bhubaneswar January 15-16, 2016
  • Invited Talk on “Security Challenges on Network and Critical Infrastructure – Enterprise perspective”, IBM Faculty Residency Program on Cyber Security at IBM Bangalore, June 2-6, 2014
  • Delivered Talk on Cyber Security Challenges in Smart Grid Infrastructure in National Workshop on Smart Grid Technologies (NWSGT) held in IIT Bhubaneswar during 8-9 November 2014.
  • Delivered Talk on “Security and Safety Challenges in Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure” in IEEE CSS Symposium on Cyber Physical Systems at IISC Bangalore, India during November 2-3 2012.
  • Delivered Lecture on Formal Analysis of Security Configurations in Enterprise Networks at  CyberDNA Research Seminar in University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA, March 18 2011
  • Delivered Lectures on Cyber Security Challenges and Scope of Formal Methods under Advanced Network Security Course in University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA, Fall Semester 2011
  • Presented papers in conferences: INFOCOM 2012, ACM CCS 2011, ICISS 2009, NetCom 2009, 1CISTM 2010, ICDCN 2010.
  • Attended Microsoft Research (MSRI) summer school on Programming Languages, Analysis and Verification in IISC, Bangalore during 16-28 June 2008.
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