School of Electrical and Computer Sciences

Debapratim Ghosh

Dr. Debapratim Ghosh

Assistant Professor
High performance active and passive microwave couplers, high-Q/SRF single and multi-layer inductor design, multi-port reflectometry, MMIC and RFIC-based circuit design, microwave measurement techniques and integrated/embedded microwave systems.

Debapratim Ghosh (S ’15, M ’18, SM ’22) received the B.E. in Electronics Engineering from R.A.I.T., University of Mumbai, and the M.Tech. and Ph.D degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Since 2018, he is Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar. His research interests include high performance active and passive microwave couplers, broadband power dividers, multi-port reflectometry, MMIC and RFIC-based circuit design, microwave measurement techniques and integrated systems, software-driven microwave systems, and analog and small-scale embedded systems.He has authored over 30 publications in various journals and conference proceedings, and holds 1 patent (and filed 1 more). In 2021 he was elected as affiliate member of TC-3 of the IEEE MTT-S. He is the recipient of an Analog Design Contest prize from Texas Instruments, Student Grant Award from the European Microwave Association, ITS Award from DST, Govt. of India, and IIT Bhubaneswar-Commendable Teaching Performance Award, and Award for Excellence in Teaching..

  1.  Microwave Design and Measurement (EC6L021)
  2. RF and Microwave Engineering (EC4L006)
  3. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems (EC3L005)
  4. Introduction to Electromagnetic Engineering (EE2L004)
  5. Electromagnetic Field Theory (EE3L011)
  6. Digital Electronics and Microprocessors (EC2L006)
  7. Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Laboratory (EC2P006)
  8. Electronic Design Lab (EC4P001)
  9. Basic Electronics (EC2L005)
  10. Basic Electronics Laboratory (EC2P005)
  11. Introduction to Electronics (EC2L001)
  12. Introduction to Electronics Lab (EC2P001)
  13. Digital Logic and Systems (CS2L003)
  14. RF and Microwave Engineering Lab (EC4P003)
  15. Microprocessors Lab (EC3P004)
  1. S. Tirmanwar and D. Ghosh, ‘Broadband CMOS Unidirectional Coupler using Differential Mode Suppression,’ Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 66, No. 1, 2024.
  2. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, ‘Compact High Directivity Branch-Line Hybrid using Distributed Realization of Lumped Elements,’ Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 66, No. 1, 2024.
  3. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, ‘Planar Circular Spiral Inductors with Improved Q and Self Resonance Frequency using Compensatory Capacitance Technique,’ IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 865 – 872, 2023.
  4. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, ‘Two-layer planar rectangular inductors and their electrical models for increased inductance density and figure-of-merit,’ IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 59 , No. 3 , pp. 8400108 (1 – 8), 2023.
  5. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, “Development and experimental verification of an electrical model of a doubly wound planar circular spiral inductor,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 57, No. 12, Art.: 8402307 pp. 1- 7, 2021.
  6. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, ‘Six port reflectometer using edge-coupled microstrip couplers,’ IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 245 – 247, Mar 2017.
  7. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar ‘A broadband active quasi circulator for UHF and L band applications,’ IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 601 – 603, Aug 2016.
  8. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, ‘Broadband partially unilateral active testset for network analyser,’ Electronics Letters, Vol. 52, No. 14, pp. 1266 – 1268, Jul 2016.
  9. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, ‘High isolation dual three branch microstrip couplers,’ Intl. Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 391 – 396, Nov 2015.
  1. S. Tirmanwar, N. Abhishikth Raj, and D. Ghosh, “Reducing the Dependency on Discrete Elements: An Alternative Theoretical Approach to Realizing a Filtering Microwave Phase Shifter,” 6th URSI Regional Conference on Radio Sciences (RCRS), 2024 (invited paper; accepted).
  2. D. Ghosh and A. Tabish, “A Minima-Oriented Pedagogy Based on Modified Chebyshev Impedance Matching Transformers,” Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), pp. 84 – 88, 2022.
  3. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, “Development of an Electrical Model of a Two-Layer Group Crossed Rectangular Spiral Inductor,” Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), pp. 563 – 566, 2022.
  4. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, “A Closed-Form Electrical Model of Skin and Proximity Effects for Circular Microstrip Inductors,” Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), pp. 326 – 330, 2022.
  5. M. Kumari and D. Ghosh, “Broadband Tunable CMOS RF Bandpass Filter Using a Modified Active Inductor Topology,” Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), pp. 490 – 494, 2022.
  6. S. Susheel Ujwal, S. Boppu, D. Ghosh, “Efficient Hardware Architecture for Posit Addition/Subtraction,” Proc. 15th IEEE Intl Symp on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC 2022), Penang, Malaysia, 2022 (accepted).
  7. S. Susheel Ujwal, S. Nambi, S. Boppu, D. Ghosh, “Efficient Multiplication and Accumulation of Signed Numbers,” Proc. 8th IEEE Intl. Symp. on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), Warangal, India, 2022 (accepted).
  8. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, ”Broadband Improved Directivity Microstrip Coupler using Doubly Wound Planar Inductors,” Proceedings of the 52nd European Microwave Conference, Milan, Italy, pp. 628 – 631, 2022.
  9. J. Khare, P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, ”Improved Bandwidth 4- and 5-Branch Hybrids using Stepped Mainline Impedance Technique,” Proceedings of the 52nd European Microwave Conference, Milan, Italy, pp. 632 – 635, 2022.
  10. P. K. Nishad and D. Ghosh, ‘An Electrical Model of Singly Wound Microstrip Inductors for UHF Band Applications,’ IEEE Wireless, Antennas, and Microwave Symposium (WAMS), 2022 (accepted).
  11. S. Katre, S. Tirmanwar, and D. Ghosh, “Broadband CMOS RF Logarithmic Power Detector for sub-6 GHz 5G Applications,” 25th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 2021, pp. 1 – .4.
  12. S. Tirmanwar and D. Ghosh, “Single chip broadband testset for network analyzers,” URSI Regional Conference on Radio Sciences (RCRS), IIT-BHU, 2020, pp. 1 – 4.
  13. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “Low power USB controlled network analyzer with detector compensation technique,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), Kolkata, India, pp. 1 – 4, 2018.
  14. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “Broadband high isolation asymmetric directional coupler using quadrature mode suppression,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Singapore, pp. 2073-2077, 2017.
  15. D. Ghosh, V. B. Narayane and G. Kumar, “Improved bandwidth four branch microstrip coupler using lumped and distributed elements,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Singapore, pp. 917-923, 2017.
  16. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar “Asymmetric high isolation 6 dB microstrip couplers for load sensing applications,” proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), Delhi, India, pp.1 – 4, 2016.
  17. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “A four port microstrip testset for network analyzers,” proceedings of the 46th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), London, UK, pp. 377 – 380, 2016.
  18. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “High isolation dual three branch microstrip couplers,” proceedings of the 15th Intl. Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT), Dresden, Germany, pp. 160 – 163, 2015.
  19. D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “A four branch microstrip coupler with improved bandwidth and isolation,” proceedings of the 21st Natl. Conference on Communications (NCC), Mumbai, India pp. 1 – 6, 2015.
  20. D. Ghosh, M. Mangat, G. Shinde, M. Date and D. Sharma, “A portable solution for microcontroller laboratories,” proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Berlin, Germany, pp. 674 – 682, 2013.
  21. S. Agrawal, D. Ghosh et. al., “An introductory lab course in Digital Design: On-line and on-site laboratory solution,” proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Berlin, Germany, pp. 716 – 722, 2013.
  22. M. Date, S. Patkar, M. Patil, S. Shelke, N. Narendra, A. Kamath and D. Ghosh, “E-prayog: A new paradigm for electronics laboratories,” proceedings of the IEEE Intl. Conference on Technology Enhanced Education (ICTEE), Kerala, India, pp. 1 – 10, 2012.
  1. D. Ghosh and P. K. Nishad, ”Double wound planar spiral microstrip inductor, and analytical and electrical circuit model thereof,” Indian patent application no. 202131015202, filed on 1 April 2021, granted on 7 March 2024.
  2. G. Kumar and D. Ghosh, “Network analyzer for measuring S-parameters of RF device,” Indian patent application no. 201621042495, File No. E-2/127/2017/MUM, filed on 16 January 2017, granted on 30 April 2022.
Degree Discipline Year School
  Ph.D Electrical Engineering 2017 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  M.Tech Electronic Systems 2017 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  B.E. Electronics Engineering 2009 University of Mumbai
  • IIT Bhubaneswar Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2023.
  • Best Paper Award (Academia) for our paper titled `A Minima Oriented Pedagogy Based on Modified Chebyshev Impedance Transformers,’ at IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation (MAPCON) Conference, Bengaluru, 2022.
  • Elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member, 2022.
  • Elected as Affiliate Member, Technical Committee-3 (RF/microwave measurements committee), IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, 2021.
  • IIT Bhubaneswar- Commendable Teaching Performance Award, 2020.
  • ITS Award, Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, 2017.
  • Student Grant Award, European Microwave Association, 2016.
  • Prize from Texas Instruments India for TI-Analog Design Contest, 2013.
  • Rank – 1 in the Electronics Engineering Graduating Class, 2009.

Sponsored Research Projects

  1. High directivity microstrip couplers using distributed realization of lumped elements
    Funding agency: IIT Bhubaneswar-funded Seed Grant project
    Amount: INR 10 lakhs
    Duration: 2018 – 2021
  2. Design of single chip testsets for portable network analyzers for 5G frequencies
    Funding agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology (DST-SERB), Govt. of India
    Amount: INR 63 lakhs
    Duration: 2019 – 2023
  3. Low cost, lightweight, USB controlled RF synthesizer using broadband band-pass filters with tunable passband
    Funding agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology (DST-SERB), Govt. of India
    Amout: INR 26 lakhs
    Duration: 2024 – 2027
  4. Tunable bandpass filters for L-, S-, and C-bands for Radar applications
    Funding agency: Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
    Amount: INR 45 lakhs
    Duration: 2024 – 2026
  5. Development of Time domain measurement technique for very low frequency (10MHz to 50MHz) antenna radiation pattern measurements
    Funding agency: Space Applications Centre, Indian Space Research Organization (SAC-ISRO)
    Amount: INR 30 lakhs
    Duration: TWO years (project approved, sanction awaited)

Other activities

Professional Memberships:

  • Senior Member, IEEE and IEEE MTT-S (2022–present)
  • Member, IEEE and IEEE MTT-S (2018–2022)
  • Student Member, IEEE and IEEE MTT-S (2015–2018)
Reviewer for:
  • IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
  • IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
  • IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
  • IEEE Systems Journal
  • IAS Sadhana
  • IEEE Access
  • IETE Journal of Research
  • Various international conferences including IMS, MAPCON (formerly IMaRC), APMC, VDAT, VLSID, and more.

A few things to know before working with the µSYC group

If you are a student/project researcher/doctoral scholar who is working/planning to work with the µSYC group , here are a few things to note:
  1. I prefer reports, papers, and presentations made in LaTeX (read LateK). Please familiarize yourself with this tool at the earliest. It will be immensely helpful at later stages as well.
  2. Learn the use of XCIRCUIT. This is a wonderful, free software which lets you draw circuit diagrams, system/block diagrams, flowcharts, and more. What’s better, it is free and easily integrable with LaTeX and gives your document a professional look.
  3. Learn to use a professional graph plotting software. Several free software such as SCIDavis allows you to make professional plots for your reports and papers.
  4. Some other free tools which are a bonus to know– NGSPICE/LTSPICE (general circuit simulation), and QUCS (microwave circuits).
  5. Most of the above free software are tailor-made for Linux OS. It will be of great value if you are familiar with Linux OS (Debian- or Redhat-based).
  6. Among proprietary tools, learn the use of EAGLE, a PCB schematic and layout editor. We use it extensively.
  7. All papers, reports etc. which you would like me to peruse must be submitted (preferably in hardcopy) at least a weekend before you need them checked.

Short-term internships

Those interested in applying for a summer/winter internship with my group should do so via the centralized application portal of IIT Bhubaneswar. I shall not respond to individual emails asking for internships. Thank you for understanding.
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