School of Electrical and Computer Sciences

N. C. Sahoo

Prof. N. C. Sahoo

Power System Optimization and Control, Power Electronics and Control of Electric Drives, Renewable Energy Systems, Applied Soft Computing
Author(s) Recent Publication (International Journals)
N. C. Sahoo, S. Ganguly and D. Das
N. C. Sahoo, S. Ganguly and D. Das
S. Ganguly,N. C. Sahoo and D. Das
N. C. Sahoo, S. Ganguly and D. Das
S. Ganguly, N. C. Sahoo and D. Das
Ammar W. Mohemmed, N. C. Sahoo and K. G. Tan
N. C. Sahoo and Jeremy G. W. Chin
R. Gobbi, K. Ramar and N. C. Sahoo
R. Gobbi, N. C. Sahoo, and R. Vejian
Ammar W. Mohemmed, N. C. Sahoo, and K. G. Tan
 Degree Discipline Year School
  Ph. D. Electrical Engineering 2001 National University of Singapore
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