School of Electrical and Computer Sciences

Chandrashekhar Narayan Bhende

Prof. Chandrashekhar Narayan Bhende

Renewable Energy Sources, Microgrids, Power Quality, Application of Artificial Intelligent Techniques
1.   Title: Design and Development of Grid Interactive Adaptive Controls for Frequency Regulation from Large Scale Photovoltaic Systems, (Sponsoring Agency: Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), India).
        Role: Co-PI                Status- Ongoing
2.  Title: Development of adaptive motor controller for PMSM based three-wheel Electric Vehicle, (Sponsoring Agency: Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India).
        Role – PI                    Status- Ongoing
3.  Title: Photovoltaic assisted water harvesting from moisture using biomimetic surface (Sponsored Agency: DST).
        Role – Co-PI               Status – Ongoing
4.  Development of cost-effective energy management strategies for green hydrogen based electric vehicle charging station.
         (Sponcering Agency: DST-TARE)
         Role – Mentor            Status – Ongoing
5.   Title: Brushless DC Machine based Solar Pumping System (Sponsored Agency: DST-SERI).
         Role – PI                    Status – Completed
6.  Title: Photovoltaic (PV) based grid-interactive and off-grid electricity system (Sponsored Agency: Joint Indo-Finish project sponsored by DST, India and Academy of Finland).
         Role – PI                    Status – Completed
7.   Title: Control of Stand-Alone hybrid “Solar-Diesel Generator-Battery” Power Supply System (Sponsored Agency:  Department of Science and Technology, India).
         Role – PI                    Status – Completed
8.   Title: Classification of Switched Capacitor in the Distribution Network. (Sponsored Agency: IIT Bhubaneswar, India).
         Role – PI                    Status – Completed

Electrical Technology, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Electrical Measurements and Electronics Instruments, Power System Dynamics and Control, Power Quality, Grid Integration of Renewable Sources, Power Electronics.

  • V Bhavana, C N Bhende, GNV Mohan, “Voltage Control in Distribution Network by Cooperative Control of Photovoltaic Systems”, National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC), Bhubaneswar, India, 2021.
  • A Banajyoti, C N Bhende, “Performance Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Techniques for Detection of Non-technical Loss”, Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems, Bhubaneswar, India, 2021.
  • C N Bhende, GNV Mohan, A K Srivastava, “Control of PV-Battery System for Resiliency Improvement”, 20th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP), Delhi, 2019.
  • S K Hota, K R Nayak, C N Bhende, “Photovoltaic-Based Water Pumping System using Brushless DC motor”, IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Bangalore, 2019.
  • C Pradhan, C. N. Bhende, “Enhancement in Primary Frequency Contribution using Dynamic Deloading of Wind Turbines”, IFAC-Papers OnLine, Issue 30, Vol. 48, pp. 13-18, 2015.
  • C Pradhan, C. N. Bhende, “Analysis of load damping co-efficient on system frequency response in wind farm integrated power system”, International Conf. on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), 2015, India.
  • C. N. Bhende and S. G. Malla, “Voltage control of stand-alone” Photovoltaic-Diesel Generator-Battery” system”, IECON 2014-40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2014, Dallas, USA.
  • C. N. Bhende, A. Kalam, “Power quality conditioner for microgrid”, Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2013 Australasian Universities, 2013, Hobart, Australia.
  • S. G. Malla, C. N. Bhende and S. Mishra, “Photovoltaic based water pumping system”, International Conf. on Energy, Automation, and Signal (ICEAS), 2011, India
 Degree Discipline Year School
  Ph.D. Power Systems 2008 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar Associate Professor Continuing from April 2016

Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar Assistant Professor From 29-01-2010 to 01-04-2016

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Assistant Professor From 31-12-2008 to 28-01-2010

University of Wollongong, Australia Post-Doctoral Research Fellow From 15-06-2008 to 24-12-2008

Microtek International Pvt. Ltd., Delhi Sr. R & D Engineer From 1-6-2007 to 31-12-2007

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Senior Research Fellow From 7-11-2003 to 12-7-2004

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Tech. (VNIT) Nagpur Teaching Assistant From 15-11-2002 to 15-5-2003 And From 5-7-2000 to 28-2-2001

  • Guest Editor for special issue on “Trends and Prospects in Photovoltaic Systems” of International Journal “Energies (MPDI)” – (IF: 3.004)
  • Duo-India ASEM Fellowship-2020
  • Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship Program supported by Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF), 2016
  • Honorary Adjunct Fellow, Victoria University, Australia for the period of April – July 2013
  • Indo-Australia Science & Technology Fellowship 2012-13
  • Innovative Ph.D. Thesis Award 2009, awarded by Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)
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